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Math Word : Its not about the numbers. Students will forget the procedure. We want them to be masters of their mathematical knowledge so that they can solve the problems of the world . . .

All About Mathematics

Math Word : Good mathematics is not about how many answer you know . . Its how you behave when you dont know . . .

All About Mathematics

Math Word : Mathematics may not teach us how to add love or minus hate. But it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution . . .

All About Mathematics

Math Word : Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives . . .

All About Mathematics

Math Words : To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all . . .

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Quiz - Multiplication 1

Math Game "Dormatics Game"

Dormatics Game merupakan sebuah permainan flash yang didalamnya terdapat materi operasi bilangan bulat. Berikut sekilas pembahasan mengenai "Dormatics Game" :

1. Pada menu awal terdapat tiga menu utama seperti terlihat pada gambar berikut :

2. Selanjutnya, pada permainan ini terdapat 5-level. Dimana setiap level berbeda-beda tingkat
    Level-1 ( Penjumlahan & Pengurangan )
    Level-2 ( Perkalian )
    Level-3 ( Pembagian )
    Level-4 ( Perkalian & Pembagian )
    Level-5 ( Penjumlahan, Pengurangan, Perkalian & Pembagian )
    Berikut gambar setiap level-nya :

3. Aturan Permainan
    Aturan Dasar : Untuk melanjutkan ke setiap level pada permainan ini,  setiap soal harus dikerjakan
                             dan minimal memperoleh skor 80.  Kemudian anda akan mendapatkan puzzle 
                             bonus yang harus anda lengkapi juga. Jika anda gagal pada bonus puzzle ini anda
                             tidak akan bisa melanjutkan ke level selanjutnya. (So . .  soal dan bonus puzzle
                             harus dikerjakan semua ya sob :) )
   Untuk aturan yang lain, anda bisa membaca selengkapnya di "Dormatics Game" 
   seperti gambar berikut :

Untuk memainkan permainan "Dormatics Game" , Silahkan klik disini
Untuk mendownlod game "Dormatics Game, Silahkan  klik disini

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

What is The Differences Between 5 x 2 and 2 x 5 ?

Let's discuss it  . . .

First of all, we must know "The Basic Concept of Multiplication".

Multiplication means that you have a certain number of groups on the same size.
The best way to describe multiplication is to say that is a kind of compound addition.
Multiplying a number means adding that number to itself several times.

Let us begin with an example.

Example 1.1

Here we have five groups and each group has two elephants.

                5  x  2 is equal to 10

How many                         How many
  Groups                           in each group

       5                 x                      2

We can solve it by adding :

   2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10

 ( Five times two elephants is ten elephants )

How about  2 x 5 ? 

It's mean  that we have 2 groups and each group has five elephants.
How many                   How many                       We can solve it by adding
 Groups ?                  in each group ?

       2               x                  5                    =                  5 + 5 equals 10

( Two times five elephants is ten elephants )

 Based on the example 1.1

We know that  5 x 2  =  2 x 5 = 10 . (based on commutative properties)
But we must underline that the basic concept of multiplication is the difference ways.

Ok guys i think it's all our explanation about What is The Differences Between 5 x 2 and 2 x 5 ?.
Thanks for join us . . .

#You can play multiplication games to make you more understand about the basic concepts of 
   multiplication below.

Reference :