Kamis, 26 Februari 2015
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» E-Learning
E-Learning is electronic educational technology in learning and teaching. E-Learning also can be defined as learning facilitated and support through the use of information and technology.
Here, E-learning has many benefit for us, especially in this era. First of all, i will explain the benefit of E-learning.
1. It's cost effective and save time.
Nowadays, People used internet every day and every hours. We can used e-learning to learn something that we want. We can also save our time because we just open it using phone or laptop. So it's very easy.
2. Learning 24 hours
3. The ability to provide distance learning (learning not on campus)
4. The use of technology to support a wide range of educational activity.
5. E-earning can accommodate different learning styles and facilitate learning through a variety of activities.
We have know about some advantage of E-learning. Beside that, there is also some disadvantage of E-learning, such us :
1. Learning with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind.
2. Slow internet connection may make accessing course materials frustrating.
After we learn about E-leaning, of course e-learning has more advantages than disadvantage. So you can try it by your self and Let's enjoy it.
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Good starting